Randall Townsel
Randall Townsel is a real estate developer based out of Chicago.
“No” Is Nothing
“If you are a salesperson or a school teacher trying to quiet down a class, don't accept “no”. Getting a “no” means you are getting closer to “yes”.”
A professional football player
As a young person, I always wanted to have autonomy of my time.
Show Notes
“I love oxygen, because if you have never almost died before, then you wouldn't understand what I'm saying maybe. But for me, yeah, I love oxygen. Now that I'm up, everything else is fair game. I have a ton of energy, because I'm a competitor. I'm going to build my tallest building. I'm not worried about what everybody else is doing. I've got to build my tallest building,” shares Randall Townsel. Randall is a business owner and works in Chicago real estate development where he has completed over 750 residential and commercial projects. In today’s episode, Randall discusses where he gets his inspiration and motivation from.
Randall was drawn to entrepreneurship from a young age, attracted to the idea of making his own schedule. At university, Randall pursued a professional football career, but had to pivot after experiencing a near death experience where he was caught in a drive-by shooting. After that Randall’s mindset shifted and he became more in love with life than ever before. His motivation comes from that mindset shift and the desire to not waste any of the time he has been given.
No matter what life throws at you, don’t give up. Even if someone tells you no, that doesn’t matter in the long run. There are 1000s of opportunities out there, so just move right on to the next one. Learn more about how you can stay motivated and reach your goals so that you can make the most of the time you have.