Juliana Rogers
Juliana Rogers is brand strategist based in Germany, serving consultants, coaches, and creatives.
Building Brand
“The interesting thing is that so many people when they think of, I want to start a brand, they think in terms of name, brand name, and logo, which is brand design, but that's not brand strategy.”
A ballet dancer
It built the muscle for falling down and getting back up
Show Notes
“Certain things I was able to do for myself, and certain things I wasn't. And I think the important takeaway here is to let that happen and to be fine with that to happen and not to blame yourself,” shares brand strategist Juliana Rogers. Juliana is a former ballerina turned business brand strategist based out of Germany. In today’s episode, Juliana talks about online brand strategy for entrepreneurs.
Startup growth largely depends on not only the ability of your brand to solve a problem, but also on your strategy. Often when people consider entrepreneurship they will start to think about a brand in terms of a name and a logo, but there is a lot more to think about when talking about brand strategy. By building a brand, you are ultimately creating an emotional picture within a potential customer that influences their decisions in a positive way toward that brand. The most important thing to consider is what problem you wish to solve and who your target audience is that needs that problem solved. Then you can start to develop a product or service that solves that particular problem and begin designing your brand.
To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to be able to accept help when you need it without blaming yourself for not knowing every single little thing. Learn more about the common mistakes entrepreneurs make when creating a brand and the steps you should take in order to create a successful brand that people feel they can trust.