Ken Jee
Ken Jee produces fun and informative Data Science and Sports Analytics Content on his YouTube Channel. His goal is to provide insight into the data science community, career advice, and sports related analysis.
I published another video
I learned so much by iterating, analyzing, and tweaking. Those small improvements make a difference.
I don't think imposter syndrome, the feeling ever goes away, but figure out how to use it to your benefit rather than it being overwhelming for you. I can't control that I have this feeling, but I can control what I do with the feeling.
An aspiring professional athlete turned YouTuber, Ken Jee truly embodies the idea of making a living doing what you love. In our conversation, Ken talks about how his passions have led his business interests, and how that mindset has expanded his definition of "entrepreneurship". Additionally, we talk about the power of repetitions and the importance of embracing "small, acceptable failures". We explore the feeling of imposter syndrome and how consistently seeing personal growth through his videos helps him combat this feeling.