Fun with AI and Entrepreneurship with Middle Road Energy Founder Kevin Touch
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And the biggest thing is when it hits you like seven months later. It's like now we couldn't clear. You start to wonder. it's like maybe there's maybe this is. This is how the world is going to be there in the future, And the reason why I say that is we. We've kind of hit a Kind of hat. I don't want to say a plate, but we're We're kind of getting into this trend of this, which means we've in all of human history people have been the main core of life right. but now recently it's kind of like this and started like this. And the reason why I say that is A, is started taking over. A lot of process are being automated, which speeds up time efficiency, And we're looking at the way the world works. Everything needs to be efficient so everything needs to be effish. Your your management. Your time management skills are going to strip to go down, because at least from human set from a computer side, it's going like this, because when you have more people,
I guess on the side lines, or working from home or doing x y z. quicker time lines get delayed. Believe they're not. You think they would speed up, But the problem is when you, when you're putting trust in the computer, your time lines get dewa, because you think I have all the time in the world at the computer relyin the computer. So Mon, And that's kind of the ones.
the biggest things I've learnt like you know what, no one is going to be a Mun. This some ten years right, we talked about. I was I was. I was fifteen years old. I said somewhere around twenty two, I was like I was like a junior and high school. I said, I think we're going to be in a different world when we get to at twenty twenties. I don't think it's going to be like it used to be. I think we're in the last era like twenty ten or twenty nineteen. It's kind of the last era of everything is going to be normal and I didn't. I didn't think anything about covidltween. Twenty go covidhibut. I didn't think anything about that. I thought we would just become more efficient world. A lot more harder times would be ahead, because I don't know how we are as human as a human society are really. I guess comfortable with computers, you know, and robots because we see. I see it all the time. I see robots, a grocery stores, cleaning up and serving fast food. And it's just it's just we're in Kind of like a weird valentines. The records kind of a weird period right now. If
do we really love and respect those computers to the point where we can now, I'll say personally, I had no problem with the computer. It makes things efficient robots into stores. We absolutely have to, because people are getting better jobs and there we can't do it. That just don't require pay. I had no problem with a computer. My problem is if we get too reliant on that, they start downloading processes as a human. When we see a society intent. Fifteen years. it's not going to be every sector, but a lot of sectors that are going to become more rely on a computer. Which means to pay the computer, or you don't have to. Really, You can't watch over the computer. The computer will figure it out because it has that human intelligence And it's just it's kind of fascinating that I think just through this whole middle row process is just like You know what you have to be conscious of that we are your. Potentially in ten years, your future to client could be a computer. I mean, it's Easy to think about that, but a computer could be setting up a meeting with you, and you know there will not be no person on the inner end. A computer would be talking like Hello. It's going to sound weird, but they'll set up everything for you.
And and you're like man, think about ten years ago how time is flying and now a computer or x y z. it could be your next client. So I guess that goes back to the open mind and be open minded, and that's the biggest thing I've heard. Just be open mind. Even if it takes a long time, Abe, it's just meant to take a one time. Now we'll sit now that I'm in this. I'm not going to be introducing any flavors eight times so now, because right now we're in a very. It's very tough, right O?
The sourcing is not as easy. There still is supply chain issues. of course, but with how long it takes, it's like I got three flavors done in ten months. one flavor individual you think would take faster. But now with the way the world is starting to shift in, the more computer that takes about sixteen to eighteen months to fully automate those processes. so I would say around ten, twenty five. We went six. You ll start to see things a little bit more smoother. Believe they're not with automation. Understand how A works because Hit's a good example. caged P
T. right. Everyone but that, P. T and all that it's like man. What the? how do you create content so fast? But as part of the new world and we have to, we have to respect that man. but no, I would say overall, it's been. It's been good and let's get to those quick hitters
Well, I mean before we get to the quick end, just kind of the intellectual kind of conversation of a. It is fascinating. I think, Excuse me, it is fascinating. I think that for me, I see it as the world has always had technology. It's just taken different forms, and so as a human race, we've just had to adapt to. Okay, We, we have refrigerators now and so now we don't need to rely on salt as much. And so I think I think as a human race and civilization we're going to adapt now. the question become, do we let these skill sets? Um that we built up a trophy like do we now? Because, because we don't need to um, The example of because we have um tools that can write better content and you know quickly get it done. Does that mean that the next generation are aren't as great writers right, because they rely on it more. and I think that that's really just kind of a human decision. I think that technology needs to exist right. It serves a purpose. The question is as the society. Well, we then say writing isn't as important. Need to focus on this new skill set and you just adapt, so I'm fascinated to see what. that. what that holds? Because we're living through a time where the quote unquote blue college jobs aren't the ones aren't the only jobs being automated. you know, and we really haven't seen the kind of quoequote white college jobs being automated. And this is going to be a really fascinating time to me, Like as someone who you know I deal Would be replaced by
Right right.
ase off of my personal skill set like I'm fascinated to see what like um, it can do. There's a. I haven't really thought about this, but it's kind of weird, but the competitor and me kicks in where it's like All right cool. Let's do it, you know, like let the a I show that it can do a lot of the things, Because now I'm going to find something else that I can't do,
and it becomes this new challenge for me to get better And so it's It isn't Teresting and I think that for a lot of people that it is scary, but I also think that for a lot for entrepreneurs, a lot of them see it as opportunity, which I think is really promising. Really
yeah, it's gonna. It's going to affect everybody, which is great. I think it doesn't just affect one, affect everybody, and we're adding more variables to the mix right N you add more variables to the mix, Usually, as Darwin would say, strong, survive right and as crazy as it sounds.
But if you don't stay open mind to it, if you don't embrace that, he literally could be a robot one day, walking around or a controlling. Its school will be different. Everything every sector will change. Everything will have to be adapted and everything will have to be like you were saying, Uh, competition for saying a way between ourselves and what opportunity could arise from this right. And you hope that in a good standing that he this out there, this Ai is out there, computer. our text out there. Let's used as a fuel to the fire, rather than just saying, like you said, Just it. Just the flats. it gets to it gets to mold. it squashes out. It's important to sometimes have that little compare. Ive. Maybe it was a wake up call right, like I said years ago. I think maybe this is a wake up call To say hey. We're all one day going to have to adapt. We're not. We're not just in the same world
and people would know we talk about polo. white color, people who are no collar, right, people who are ten and twelve years old. Maybe
they know more
because let's be honest when I, when I go to a restaurant, I see these kids on the foe at five years. Oh, they know what they're doing. I don't care if anyone say these guys know
what they're doing really fast. And and that's just because of human evolution, T because their brains. It's funny though, My brain is like right about here, but their brain their brain past. It's like way back here. they actually are very smart. It's just how you raise them and how much energy and good good nature and good choices you put in them. Actually, you hope that put them into a better path than me and you, for example, but that's a whole different store, rough day, But it is fascinating to see how the evolution of business in life. Ntreprenership is going to change not just now, but in the future with how things are going to be more efficient faster at your finger tips. But So there is now more competitive spirit to say. Hey, it's computer Verse me. Sometimes, that's a good thing because that gives you that an extra juice that people just don't have. Nowadays. a lot of people are kind of stagnating out growth, this kind of peaked turn areas. So now it's it's a good idea to to say hey, you know, let's revaluate and we'll see we can do better and incorporate the computers. For sure.
Absolutely all right, quick
You ready. All right? What books would you recommend to other entrepreneurs?
Tough one, I would say that the one book I read that was really good has nothing to do with Entrepreneur ship. It's the giver. It was about. I read this years ago, but it was a book about utopia, Right How the utopia world would exist. Is a character and he just lives through this utopia world And you start to realize as you're reading, everything is the same. Everything is normal. Everyone is wearing the same like I'm wearing your black shirt on. wearing a black shirt. Same headphones. Same kind of mold When you To the end of it's like, Do I really want this to be the same world? And that's it, and that's the quick hitter. Right? Do I really would? I would? I be happy at waking up with the same thing. The same exact person, same exact clothing every day like everyone's wearing a white shirt, For example, white pants. You know, same headphones. And would I be just happy walking around And it? really it really kind, a clean shade. but it's kind of puts you in a perspective like we need to embrace uniqueness. It's okay. it's okay
To have a utopia in your mind, But what you see in the world is not. It's not. it appears. Our visions basically are not. as they appear. The objects in the mirror closer than they appear. Same thing with this, your visions are not as close as they appear. And when you read that book it's like you know, Write, If we really want to utopia, then we all, we all be equal, which is great, But it's not how the world works. Not not everything you know. freedom. Er say okay, We're all going to do this and wake up. Is that it? Some people that might be cool, but at the same time it's like everyone is doing the same thing every day you know. Coming home at the same time every day. Watch the same thing every night. It starts the mind screw. So definitely won my recommendations for sure.
That's awesome. All right. What question should I ask the next guest?
So for the next gift and this is. this is kind of interesting one. I would say one are some things you always wanted to do, but you've never actually have seen it in person. so let's say I'll give an example. So what is something you've always want to do? Let's say it's go on trip to Australia, but you've never seen it in person. So how do you? How do you cpratilize what you're saying and when you're actually going to do it? So for example, let's say I've never been to Australia, right, uh, but I've never seen it as well because you think well, I see on the internet. but like I've never seen as in, just had known nothing about it. Maybe there's a place I know absolutely nothing about it. Would you take that chance right if you had the opportunity, because
it goes back to the fear. Do you have the fear or do you not have the fear? So that's the question. I will say.
It's interesting. So what's something? What's something that you can imagine, but you haven't actually seen it in real life. Like the example I can think of, I think they actually exist now. I don't know if they're good, but when I was like seven or eight, I remember telling my mom I said I want to invent a washer and dryer like one unit that washes
your clothes and dries it, so you don't actually have to
move it over
yourself. And um, yeah, like I could imagine it, I was seven so I couldn't really do anything with it, but but I think they do exist in Europe. I think I think I don't think they're good, but I think that there is the technology was invented. But no, that is. that is a really good question. Like what something that you? you want to do? Where you? something that you've imagined doing. But it doesn't actually like you haven't seen it exist. And are you willing to put in the work to actually Make it exist? That's really cool question.
Yeah, No, it is because I really.
really. really. It really gives you a challenge of like Wow, I got to think about this one for a minute. so that's why I did
Yeah, and then my last question. Um, what's an entrepreneur or what type of entrepreneur would you be most interested in hearing on the podcast?
You know? I definitely don't want someone pushes in the beverage. It's cool. It would be very nice, but I like someone who's just
completely doing some way on left field right. Let's say it, or doing something in art or something in sports, Member, Billie, something just completely different. A big believer in
you only can grow better if you learn from other aves, Right because just because I'm in the beverage space, I do. I do appreciate a lot of things right. It's not just the beverage space. If someone is doing, Then I love to hear about what what processes they go through. what, what's their creativity? An author, for example, or actually an author. Be a crazy one. Now with how educator how I has changed their ways of teaching. For example, so I'm definitely,
I'm definitely more interested in anybody really, who's doing something completely different than me and really open book. And it could be anyone from an athitelete trying to build a brand. or it could be anyone from just a small artist just trying to make it into the music scene that Hanged so much too. so I'm pretty open, but I'm pretty pretty flexible on who I like to see For sure.
Yeah, I like it. That's how I learned. I like taking people that just love what they do and it's a completely different thing that I do, and I still feel like I learned the most from from their unique perspective, so I did it, and then the
last question, of course is how can people find you get to know you A ittle bit more and you get in now a middle road
a little bit
Middle Road, Energy will be on Instagram At Middle Road Be will be at Snap, Middle Road Energy on Tiktok at Middle Energy, and then for myself at Dotkevintouch on Instagram, and our discord is at Middle Road Energy. Those are kind of the main ways. Have a dot cards. Dotard team of the mails. An Ll definitely give you that link when the time comes, and yeah, I'm always open book. Always try to get back to d. M. S and answers very fast within a day and were Sometimes around the spot. Just depends on on what time in Damme, But other than that,
M. Hm.
yeah, I'm open the book, looking forward to hearing what you guys think of this episode and thanks the Baga here for creating a great platform for me and many entrepreneurs to discover who they are.
Awesome, Kevin. I appreciate it, man, this is awesome and like you said, let's keep talking to strangers.
That's it. It's keep rolling. that's it, buddy.
All right, thanks, man.