Building a Successful Real Estate Team
Join host Gboyega Adebayo as he sits down with Brian Moon, Founder of The Moon Group, a thriving real estate brokerage in Chicago. In this episode, Brian shares his framework for effective team building and provides valuable insights into hiring, management, and leadership. Discover the challenges he faced and the lessons he learned along the way, offering practical takeaways for building successful teams in any industry. Don't miss this enlightening conversation that will inspire and empower you to create your own winning team!
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supposed to be helpful podcast where conversations with budding entrepreneurs prepare you for the wild journey of
building a business or side Hustle welcome back today I sit down with Brian Moon he's the founder of the Moon group
at Keller Williams one Chicago uh good family friend but I'm so lucky because
he's also one of the top real estate agents in Chicago in recognized
Nationwide a very influential broker in Chicago he not only Sells Homes uh sells
and buys homes but he also has extensive experience with General construction and project development and we get to
see a little backdrop of his beautiful home Brian how's it going good good buddy good to be here uh thanks for the
kind words thanks for the opportunity to uh talk with you today absolutely so I like
starting this off with kind of a fun question um what did you want to be growing up
I mean two things always come to the top of my head when I think about this uh professional soccer player that was my
passion growing up soccer um played a little bit in Europe when I was a teenager in England and then I
lived over there for a little bit and then uh probably an actor always I always I did a little acting in
college I was always uh you know um
not my forte I would don't think I was really good at it um it was so insecure about it so I just
was like I'm out of here but I think those two things if I could do it over again I'd work we'll work a little harder at soccer so I could actually
make it because I was pretty close uh going to the big time and then uh acting
I probably would have just stuck with it nice yes so so looking back kind of over
your career where do you think becoming a real estate uh getting into the real estate
business came from um after you know uh your soccer career
ended and then also you decided you didn't want to be an actor anymore yeah
um well I used to be an option Trader at the CBOE Chicago Board of option
exchange I started as a runner um when I was like probably 19 years old
so I dropped out a full-time College uh went uh part-time to night school and
then worked full-time down at the Board of Trade so um I did that for about two and a half years I eventually started trading at
the option exchange but my godfather my who's also my cousin was a big time real
realtor here investor home builder and he was like Hey man you're good at you're good with numbers you're good
with people uh you would crush it in this game and I was like nah nah I don't want to
be a realtor like they're just like one step above a car salesman you know I was like not gonna be me you know God I'm
sure I'm good with people but I I don't want to sell anybody anything uh and then I worked uh
eventually you know the trading uh came to an end I got fired
um not for job performance but at the time I lived an hour and 40 minutes Northwest of Chicago so I was waking up
at 4 30 in the morning to catch a 5 15 train to get to downtown by like seven
something and uh it was I did that for about two years
with almost two and a half years and I think I ended up missing the train like six times and that was the six times I
was late and uh I worked for a specialty firm out of Amsterdam called tag vandermolen and these guys were all like
Harvard Stanford you know uh some of the top schools in Britain all graduates
they're very analytical very high performers uh and here I am with a high
school degree no college degree taking night school you know kind of uh
you know just grunt but I had a I had a good you know head of my shoulders and I worked hard
um and so they liked a lot of things about me but eventually they're like hey man you can't keep showing up late like
this is your final warning I missed a train ride if you missed one train out there you have to wait 15 to 25 minutes
for the next train yeah and uh eventually they're like hey sorry we're gonna have to let you go uh we gave you
enough warnings and I literally packed up my office because at the time I was
20 21 I have my own office I was making really good money more money than both
my parents combined there you know and uh I called up my godfather and said hey do
you still want to uh you still want me to come work for you you still want me to you know sling real estate and he's like absolutely so I literally took my
box full of stuff from my office got on the metro line got off at the Clybourne stop in Bucktown walked two blocks to
his office and that was the first day I started in real estate I was 21 years old I'm 43 now so uh I fell in love with
just the way he ran his business and the way he treated people it was the opposite of what a car salesman does
um he really uh had the Platinum rule you're right not just two people the way
you want to be treated but uh he also really LED with integrity and that was
one thing that I was kind of like oh okay so you're never trying to sell anybody anything and he was like no I'm here to consult educate and teach people
what I know and I really like I really that really kind of
um held true to what my heart kind of what the way I feel led I feel like I have a gift uh to serve you know it
doesn't matter what it is uh I've I've coached soccer at the Collegiate level uh one three national championships on
the kind of college coach I've been a sailboat instructor here at Belmont Harbor teaching adults how to sail like
I just love to teach in some ways um and uh because I grew up sailing but
real estate was great because you not only make uh you have the opportunity to really help people and protect their
largest asset which generally is their their home uh but you also have an
opportunity to make good money by doing it and so for me it was something that
uh I just came natural to having an analytical background being a
numbers guy understanding the economy understanding uh just the way you know
fundamentals of the economy work and how that impacts real estate Investments uh was a natural shoe in for me to have
conversations with investors with developers and ultimately with consumers
who are you know a large portion of our our consumers like our clients are
first-time home buyers yeah so these are you know you've gone through the process of buying a condo it's you know you
don't know what you don't know just like anything else in life so for me it was just a no-brainer I fell in love with it
and I haven't really looked back and now I'm celebrating my 19th year of doing it full-time
that's amazing no that that's awesome you know in college I uh work for a
property management company and I was a leasing consultant and coming out of
college I always said I wanted to go into real estate because of the
there was something special about helping people find where they're going to live now grant that I was just doing
it with college kids yeah but something so personal yeah and something so
impactful to them uh it was just very rewarding and so um you know I I very much understand
that draw to this is one of the most impactful ways that you can help someone because it is probably going to be their
biggest asset um you know in their lifetime or one of the biggest Assets in their lifetime so
it makes sense all of those skill sets coming together and how you wanted to help people yeah I like that I met with
a couple last night who I've been working for two years to try to get in
front of right they were a lead from you know uh software company that I've hired to drum
up leads and I've just followed through followed up followed back and uh last
night we have actually had a zoom call to kind of talk about the buying process and what I loved about it was you know
they've been following me for two years kind of seeing the houses I sell seeing kind of the stuff we put on social media
stuff we do for our community and they were just kind of like uh you we were
totally sold on you right yeah and it was just like it's affirmation but the thing I love most about it was like hey
guys what I'm gonna teach you over this this process of buying your first condo together is gonna
be useful for the rest of your life right and you will actually one day you
know Lord willing have kids and you're going to teach them right so my legacy or my impact will go a lot farther than
just helping um you know helping a bank make more money or an investor make more money yeah
right where it's just a number on a piece of paper yeah no man I love that I love it so so
one question I do have is okay you're in the real estate business
what made you want to take the next step to have your own kind of practice your
own firm within the real estate business rather than just being patient under a broader umbrella yeah well I think uh
real estate is a grind right real estate brokerages grind you got to work hard it's a sales 100 commission
um it's a juxtaposition of obviously you don't make money until people spend money right and so it can be a very
lonely game because there is a lot of rejection there's a lot of failure and you just have to constantly pick yourself up right whether it's early in
your career you might make a mistake here or there and you might burn a bridge because you just didn't know what you were potentially doing to the best
of your abilities obviously that doesn't happen anymore but you know you always work better when you're in groups I when
I first started I worked for my godfather who was a top producer um at a company called app properties
our Property Consultants and then went to add properties and then I was on a
big producing team a top three team in the city of Chicago so every year they
they were in the top three so they were doing 100 million a year back in the early 2000s right now the top teams are
doing two to three hundred million right so it's a lot bigger now but back then
100 million was like the ultimate goal right yeah and so what I what I liked
about those was I learned what did you write and what what I learned to do what not to do
right so that's either the way they consulted their clients the way maybe
um in real estate probably just like in any other kind of sales and this is where it kind of comes back to that whole car salesman thing was uh I always
try I already knew maybe it was because the way I was raised or because some of the mentors I had early on in the
industry were like don't see how close you could get to the line of of being
questionable but like how far can you stay from that line and so I bring this up because what I saw from other Brokers
was they would try to get close to that line right and maybe they they have little
white lies or they FIB right on something or they expand on something that really shouldn't be expanded on
right just to add dramatic effect in order to have power over the opposite party right to
you know hinder the negotiation or to put pressure where there was no pressure but they were just kind of lying and so
for me it was like okay this I don't really know if I want to be associated with these people anymore so that I went
to another group and then another top producer right so my first like three or four years I was with a top producing
team and then the next I think eight years I was with another top producer kind of a luxury agent
so I kind of learned cut my teeth a little bit on luxury properties here in Chicago and she was a very Integris
person so she ran a business that I always admired and I was like oh I want to run a business like this right but I
think I could still do it better right because of my analytical background my you know non-conforming kind of thinking
outside the box uh how do I find leverage within a negotiation or how do I you know create opportunities for
people out of nothing you know for example I just sent like 1200 letters to
all the single family home owners in one particular neighborhood because I have three or four buyers who are really
desperate to find something in this neighborhood and there's nothing on the market or when something does come in the market it's way overpriced right
right so just like taking that initiative taking that idea oh how do I all right now with my team let's figure
out how we could execute on this right and then go and do it and so I came over to Keller Williams from
Berkshire Hathaway it's been about 15 years um with a company called uh Canyon stray
which was a luxury brokerage here in Chicago uh and then we got bought out by
Berkshire Hathaway and um about four years ago I switched over to Keller Williams because
one thing I wasn't getting after having 15 16 years of experience at a big brokerage was
um I wasn't I was kind of stagnant right you learn every deal every every year every deal is different right so you're
always learning something but I wasn't expanding my ability to think bigger right to expand right like how do I
actually run a business because I was an advantageous realtor most Realtors don't
treat their business like a business and that is the most common mistake I see and the you know because all
Realtors generally unless you work for like Redfin where you get a salary you were at 10.99 100 Commission
broker right right and so the thing I found myself at Berkshire Hathaway was
more or less like I'm an advantageous realtor and I'm just chasing like a star effect I'm all over the place right
where I wanted and as my kids started to grow and I was missing out on time with them I realized like something's got to
change right so Keller Williams have has the systems they have what they call the
mrea which is the million dollar real estate agent so uh
they more or less wrote a book that molest gave you the blueprint to make
two million dollars a year and you net a million and then you give away a million so the power of that to be able to
actually say to yourself like could I actually make this kind of money which is more than I ever thought I ever could
right right on an annual basis and then not only that could I take half of that income and actually give it away
right yeah and then their mindset is it's not money is only good for the good that it could do right and so like the
whole ethos behind the brand of what who Keller Williams is was kind of
intriguing and um just really enticing to me and everybody there that I met and I go to
events all over the country I meet Brokers from all over the world doing business at the highest level
and it's uh it's mind-blowing because anytime you think oh I got big goals you
go to these events with agents who are selling you know a billion dollars a year
you know what I mean yeah and um Keller Williams in particular is the largest
privately held real estate Brokerage in the world they do more volume and they have more agents than any other brokerage so it's
like it's just a very interesting company and so uh that is kind of what led me to
you know I thought I could you know create a team and obviously one's kind of going back into creating running a
business well the only way you can expand is you know creating leverage through either people or systems
and so Keller Williams has some of those systems and they are teaching they have taught me how to how to hire write how
to you know what I mean um and then work the systems out so then I can create more leverage so I can get more time back
so that I can't actually you know the ultimate I don't know success is different for
everybody right right my success is generally it doesn't matter if I you
know what my salary is sure I have goals and I try to achieve those goals that have
you know a certain number associated with them at the end of the day um success to me is I do what I want
when I want with who I want yeah right and if I could do that making 100K or if I could do that making a
million dollars like that's successful to me because we're not we're not tomorrow's never promised right and so
one thing I don't want to do is have regrets which I love about my wife is that she will be like hey you're working
too hard you've you haven't taken a day off in four months your kids miss you like something's got to change and I was
like you're right Keller Williams had that model for that so now I haven't worked a Sunday
probably in two weeks or two months two years and I've taken off a lot of Saturdays because I now have a team who
takes care of a lot of that stuff and I get the time back and I get to actually you know enjoy my family
I love that I love that man there's there and I love the fact that you found
um a partner that has kind of those same ideals
um that that you had that allowed you to kind of challenge yourself and
stretch yourself but in a way that felt right to you ethically um yeah that is
awesome there are two things I want to dive into um the negotiation skills that you
developed and then also uh building a team but first I want to dive into how did you think about building a team
and what are some of the tips and tricks that you you got from Keller Williams
Because for a lot of entrepreneurs even myself it can feel like rolling the dice and it
can be a very expensive process so just curious about some of your Lessons Learned building out that team
um and growing yeah I think the first step I mean and generally when it comes
to real estate brokerage they would generally say that your first two hires should either be an admin or should be
like a buyer's agent right so I generally went with the admin because a
lot of the background uh paperwork takes up a lot of time um you know I think there's a
not a stat but there's a number out there I forget what it is but a realtor during a transaction has
has something like 60-something jobs whether it's public
relations marketing manager HR whatever sales like marketing like whatever it is
they have a lot of hats you have to wear right and obviously therapists depending on the situation yeah but in general you
need to take some of that stuff off your plate that is not income producing activities right so I used to have my to-do list
and then I would write a dollar sign next to anything that actually like create created income right that
was lead generating and so anything that wasn't that I would give to my assistant right or I would I would try to like
create leverage somewhere else whether you could do that with a cyber backer Which is less expensive than having a
full-time employee a cyber backer or you know virtual assistant uh those are obviously really popular now
so and you can find somebody working all over the world who can help you with back of the house stuff work with
marketing work with sales work with creating systems within your business we kind of have a saying we need to be
working uh on our business not just in our business right because most entrepreneurs are
working in their business they don't spend enough time to actually plan to actually work on the systems right and
create the opportunities of Leverage because they're so busy servicing whatever they're doing and so I first
focused on a an assistant so I went through a you know over the years I've been through a few of them I have a good
one now who's been with me I think four years she went through a seven point
interview process right that Keller Williams has created it's called they have a whole curriculum which is
impressive for a corporation um called um what is it uh
I'll come back to me um but more or less uh oh it's called career visioning and
it's for the business owners within so it's all generally for the rainmakers or the director of operations of how to
hire and how to find the right Talent right yeah and so it's as simple as kind
of like say you put a resume out and I didn't do this my for my first few but I did it for my my last two hires is
you put out the job description and then at the bottom of it you say um
serious inquiries only text this number with your name
or email it to this email address and then you only interview the people I got
I think my first hire I went through 400 resumes my wife helped me because my wife's very
type A and she's very thorough so she helped me get through most of that um and then I more or less pick the top 50 and then I interviewed I called
probably 25 of those people and just took way too much of my time or I wasn't actually doing lead generating stuff
where the career visioning really helped because so say I had another 400 applications
for this job role well guess what there's only 12 people who sent me an email I interviewed those 12 people because
they're the ones who could follow the the simple instructions and I even put it in bold yeah right now it was like an asterisk I
made it easy for people right it wasn't just slipped in there um and so that is one thing that
I've learned through Keller Williams is just that little attention to detail so hire the admin
um and then just started creating systems right in real estate you have to have like multiple systems just like any
other business right you have a had a buyer system I had a seller system
right how to work with sellers how to work with Buyers uh investors uh lead generating system Marketing Systems uh
hiring systems like how do we bring on more agents right how do we qualify those agents
um and we go through the career visioning that Keller Williams has created which more or less is
like a seven interview each one takes about an hour so you're investing seven or eight hours into this person up front
yeah and each one more or less they have to kind of pass through it to see hey do
you do we want to take this to the next step yeah and what I like about it is one of them is one of them you actually look at
their more or less their history of all their either jobs or some of their
successes going all the way back to like high school so were you uh you were either soccer we're the
captain of the soccer team right were you know did you win a spelling bee in eighth grade like whatever it is what
have been some of your successes right and some of your failures and then there's another one called motivation which really is helpful I think is
probably the best tool of of that whole um system where you kind of
they have they have questions they have like 20 questions where you more or less ask them and then you write it on a board and then you Circle
consistencies within their life and what motivates them and then you kind of drill into what do they really want to
do well I really don't want to hire somebody invest you know
who knows dozens and dozens of hours and to them for them to leave in two years because they really want to start a dog
grooming company right like that's a real passion right so what I like about is it drills into
what their passions are what their goals are and how they how you how can I build a world big enough where I they could
live in it and get all the things that they want yeah right yeah so if I interview somebody in a director of
operations position and they say and I eventually drill down and you know what their ultimate goal is to make a hundred
and twenty thousand dollars a year okay what are you gonna do with that 120 000 dollars
right and so in the interview we kind of go and find out what that is well guess what she wants to start a non-for-profit
as an employee if I can help as an employer can I if I could help one of my
employees actually fulfill some of her personal and lifelong goals well how much more
um you know fulfilled is she going to be in the role that she feels known supported right and that we're working
towards that goal why the only way the only way I'm gonna be able to afford to pay somebody that kind of money is well I have to hit this many many sales right
and so helping them build it out because at the end of the day the more money I make the more money they're going to make yeah so no I think I love that yeah
so I think the first role for any real estate brokers probably to get some kind of uh assistant to help with some of the
transaction management marketing management um and also just kind of the
face-to-face with client on the back end right how many people showed your property this week what was the feedback
like if I don't have to send those emails if I don't have to make those calls if I don't have to deal with that and somebody else can that's great if I
don't have to deal with the attorneys and the inspectors and the appraisers right and the loan officers and I could
have somebody else deal with that well then that gives me more opportunities to go out and have coffee with clients all
right and how have more intentionality around the people in my world right and so you're creating again what are those
lead generating opportunities and focus on those so then I could bring in more business and feed it to my team
yeah I really I really like the I really like the idea of just kind of
writing down all the tasks and then put just simply putting a dollar sign saying is this lead generating or not because
you know I come from Consulting so I'm very operations heavy like I can whip up
systems like no nobody's other yeah no one's business but the challenge for me is I'm thinking about and executing
those systems myself yeah um and then trying to make a decision of okay well Monday I'm doing this system
on Tuesday I'm doing this system and of course there's a certain element of are you in a position to hire but you know
keeping the eye on the prize and focusing on can I make money if I keep this activity
or is this just an activity I don't like doing right those are two very different reasons to find somebody
um to to replace you so I really like that system that you put into place yeah and I'm not an operational person like I
always you know before I hired a full-time and I I think also too like to be honest and I think this is where a
lot of entrepreneurs are as well they don't want to spend the money on hiring somebody full-time or somebody they're
gonna try to find somebody at 35 45 Grand 50 Grand when really the person
they want is at like 70 or 80 grand you know especially nowadays yeah but for
years I tried part-time hires and it just never worked out I probably went through six part-time hires
because it just wasn't aligned right and they had other things and they needed to make more money at the end of the day
right and so I think a lot of times you know entrepreneurs in particular
Realtors they go cheap right away and I get it because I was there but in hindsight if I knew now what I knew then
I would have hired somebody full-time a long time ago right there's a great agent in our
industry uh her name's Millie Rosenbloom she's been doing about 40 years top producer she's been the president of the
Chicago Association of Realtors just a real powerhouse real smart uh good business owner and she I heard her
speak once at a panel and she more or less said if you're a realtor selling five million
dollars of homes a year which is you know roughly
um you know 75 to 100 000 a year in income you should have a full-time admin
and I remember when I heard it because I was making that much and I was like whoa how can I go and forward somebody to pay
them you know forty fifty thousand dollars that's half my income there's no way
but in hindsight I probably could have made that happen and I should have made that happen
because I would be a lot farther along now because it took me uh probably another eight years or seven years of just doing
it on my own you know and I was making good income and you know the business was growing every year and generally the rule of
thumb for me is always try can I grow my business 20 to 30 a year so you know and in five years it doubles
right so that's you know or like conservatively
you know if that's my goal then okay I'm okay with that because I mean I'm in for the long run
yeah absolutely uh and then some people hire buyer's agents somebody help because buyer when you work with Buyers
versus sellers buyers take up a lot more time just because you're showing them eight properties right you know so
you're in the car with them for four or five hours versus doing you could probably show
a lot of properties on the opposite if you're a listing agent yeah right yeah and so some some people
focus on getting a lot of times agents who start out they're more buyer focused just because they're doing open houses
and that's a good way to you know most Realtors don't do open houses to sell
the house they do open houses to meet unrepresented buyers right right you
know I think there's a statistic out there that more or less I think something only like seven percent
on a national base on an annual basis home sell during an open house seven percent
they don't actually really you know sell that many houses yeah so
it's it's it's it's fascinating because it comes down to the fundamentals of business right like what figuring out
that yeah you're not going to you know hit your conversion or your transaction but you doing it gives you the leads and
those leads may turn into a number of other uh close deals so sorry 100 it's
coming back down to the fundamentals yeah my first deal ever was I was doing an open house for a different brokerage
on a development site uh in Lincoln Park and uh an unrepresented buyer came
through she just so happened to be a doctor at University of Chicago
um she loved me right I barely knew what I was doing you know I'm 21 at the time
right 22 and uh she ended up loving me and referred me to multiple other
doctors and people and you know it was like one of the best relationships I had in my business because she after after
we closed and we ended up getting dinner together I told her that that was my first deal ever and she was like I would have never have
known like you were so competent and so confident in what you were doing you
know that I would never have known and I appreciated all the honest feedback you gave her because you know so I think it's just I hate I
hate the expression fake it till you make it but I think at the end of the day what I did and I think what a lot of
good entrepreneurs do is that they invest in themselves so now that's how I
I I Rose to the top or I Rose really fast at the border trade
um when I was I started when I was 18 and I think I stopped trading when I was 21.
um was because I didn't take lunch breaks I would sit and just pick all these older
Traders brains right I'd meet them throughout the day and they would either like you or they didn't like you right because it was a very tough
World down there on any on any exchange floor it's very it's a very boys locker
room right it's a very Cutthroat like you can't screw up or you get fired or you know people just make fun of you
yeah and uh instead of taking lunch breaks and I would do this say you work five days a week there I
probably would take a lunch once a week right or I would just eat a sandwich real quick throughout knowing that I
would just go and pick these guys brains because they were still in the pits and then those guys liked me and they got me jobs
right and then they're like oh hey man you shouldn't be doing this job like you know I'm like what books should I read
they tell me I read the book I go back to them at lunch and say I don't understand this concept right yeah I
don't understand this hedge or you know I don't understand how to create leverage within this trade and they
would talk to me about it and it's like yeah you know and I think I did that as real as a realtor too
you know I would pick older guys brains I would read books I would read The Wall Street Journal to help understand what's
going on in the bonds you know which is going to affect interest rates which is going to affect you know multitude of
things so I think I was just all over constantly just investing in myself and that doesn't cost much right yeah or
during the recession I think I got I got like three accreditations during the recession things were slow I got a
foreclosure and short sale uh certified negotiation expert right so I focused on
what are what is what is important for a good realtor to have is good negotiation skills right so then I went and got
certified in that then I became like a seller's representative like making sure I knew exactly how to Market
people's homes the best way possible right I I really like that tactic
because I can relate to it um I'm one that you know infamously
doesn't take up take lunch and but I like talking to people like picking
people's brains you know I have three older siblings closest ones eight years to me so I'm used to talking to people
that are considerably older than me yeah and love just the wisdom they give and
um we were talking about this a little bit earlier this podcast is kind of like that for me
right yeah it's it's in a world where everything's gone online and everyone is
you know selling some type of course or some type of framework for me I still like the you know find a way to talk to
a stranger and pick their brain um and this podcast has given me the
opportunity to just touch people right and talk to them and learn their system
so um I 100 agree like there's there's wisdom in
just carving out the time to invest in yourself in the way that you learn best
whether it's just you know people to people finding books taking a credit accreditation courses
um I really like that yeah I mean even I I try to push that onto my team and other agents on my team and they're not
wired the same way I am is sometimes I get some pushback but it's like I even just uh had an agent on my team where I
was a two-day course she got a lot of like continuing Edge education credits
for it um because she was just in like a tighter financial situation so it's like
you know what I will pay for it right I'll invest in in you as I continue to do on a daily basis but like I'm also
putting money towards it right yeah so you could hone your skills right and that's also as a as a business
owner like sure can I teach a lot of things that they taught her in the class but I'm also busy right so it's also
creating leverage like this company will teach her how to be I think she got a it's called accredited buyer
like consultant like yeah ABC or something like that um and so
now and when she came back she's like hey you know did you know that we're doing this and maybe we shouldn't be or
hey did you know that we're doing this and hey we're really doing well yeah right on this and it was just like yeah
great right and so now she has more confidence to go out and do her job better
yeah because she's just been trained for you know 16 hours eight hours a day for two days
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