Gregg Goodhart
Gregg Goodhart, The Learning Coach, teaches new ways of thinking about the way that people think and learn.
Mistakes Are Where Learning Happens
“There are plenty of people who are disciplined enough to sit down and ‘do the work.’ They think, ‘As long as I'm doing something unpleasant that I'd rather not be doing, I must be doing the work.’ But what I come to find is that human beings need to be tricked into focusing.”
To leverage the testing effect means making mistakes- which we were taught is an indicator that we're not learning-but it's not true, and that's where learning occurs!”
“But, I kept thinking, ‘Isn't this where the miracle happens? Isn't this like the stories you hear about where they were at the end of the rope?’ And then I thought, ‘You only hear about the ones that work out good!’ No one tells you the story about being at the end of the rope and finally letting go!”
Talent is overrated
Thinking Fast and Slow
The Memory Book
Do you want to be successful at anything? You do not need talent. You do need all the answers. You do not need to memorize books. You simply need a good learning strategy. At its core, learning is a brain-based activity, and brain science and our guest in this episode, Gregg Goodhart, The Learning Coach, tell us that our approach can make all the difference!